Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine

The best known curative technique in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is certainly acupuncture. I practice both body and ear acupuncture (auriculotherapy) and often combine them with craniosacral therapy. Almost all complaints can be treated with Chinese medicine.

Traditional Chinese belief is that energy (qi) flows through the body. Qi (also known as chi or ki) flows through the meridians, which are distributed around the body like lines. They are also called conductive pathways and have acupuncture points on them, which one can imagine as small energy portals in the body. These points can be stimulated or soothed by means of small needles. 

Side effects rarely occur. There may occasionally be circulatory problems or tingling at the injection site. 

Tried-and-tested indications for acupuncture

to assist conception
to assist implantation of the fertilised egg
to preserve the embryo in early pregnancy (avoid miscarriages)
restlessness, thought circles 
back pains 
child’s failure to thrive during pregnancy 
circulatory problems 
carpal tunnel syndrome 
water retention in the tissue (oedema) 
sleep disturbances 
gallbladder complaints 
renal obstruction 
headache, migraine 
induction of labor 
menstrual problems 
digestion problems 
respiratory problems, recurrent infections 
… and much more

Treatment of the child in the uterus, the child's palace

Acupuncture can also be used to treat the fetus.  

According to a long-standing concept of acupuncture, the unborn child can be treated via its mother to give the child strength, vitality, resilience and healthy hair for life.  

This acupuncture takes place during the 14/15th and 28th weeks of pregnancy.

This treatment is recommended for pregnant women who have taken many different medicines and for women after successful fertility treatment.   

Four weeks before the delivery date the body can also be ideally prepared for the birth with the aid of acupuncture.